Friday, September 7, 2007

I tell stories, that's just what I do...

Interesting things happen to each of us everyday. The difference with me is those interesting occurrences seem to happen quite a bit. For my loyal friends, hearing a long, drawn-out story is a daily thing. Whether it be something small - like loosing my cell phone at an airport - or something a little bigger - like having my hotel room door kicked in by what I thought was a terrorist while studying abroad in Germany...each of my many interesting experiences I can't help but retell as if it were an epic movie. I never tell a tale that doesn’t have an intriguing start, a suspenseful climax and a relieving ending. Some call it exaggerating...I just call it story-telling.


Unknown said...

So what happened with your door being kicked in in Germany? Do tell. I'm on the edge of my seat. We didn't have any unusual things happen to us in Germany. We just met great people in Dortmund!

Cait said...

I'll be sure to share my adventures in Germany in the upcoming entries!

Sully said...

Wow! I'm stunned! That's quite a fantastic opener for a blog, and I'm eagerly awaiting the posts that follow!