Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ladies and gentlemen let the blogging begin...

It's funny how I initially started this blog with such "umph" and I am sad to say I have since lost a little of that "umph" after just one entry. Perhaps it's because of that "umph" that I started with that I now have no idea how to continue. My initial thought behind this blog was to create a forum where I can purge all my wacky tales without having to bother all of my friends and loved ones. Who am I kidding; I knew very well all along that this blog would simply be an added place for me to share my tales, not at all a substitution. Except here I am with nothing to say. Sure, lots has happened since I first ventured into this world of blogging nearly one month ago, but where do I begin? Now for a little dose of honesty. The real motive for starting this blog was/still is to fulfill a class requirement - I can only imagine the shock and betrayal my 2 loyal readers feel. But before you decide to cut me out all together, I have high hopes that this blog will soon become a great hobby I look forward to doing, as opposed to some chore I am forced to do...until then, I have 3 entries that must be completed by Monday before midterms, so here goes....

1 comment:

Sully said...

I can definitely empathise with this post - I set myself the rather paltry target of 5 posts a month, and when there's nothing going on I consider 'blogworthy', it can be quite a chore to actually get something written!

Speaking of which - if you've been following the 'Teetotaller's Tiff' series, you'll no doubt be delighted to hear that the next chapter should be online sometime tomorrow, hopefully... (No promises!)